April 2, 2023
The Work Begins (Ezra 3)
First things first, let’s focus on what’s most important when serving the Lord.
1. Building the alter (1-3)
If you’re wondering where to start, renew your faith and
commitment to God.
2. Response to the alter (4-6)
For the people of God, worship is an ongoing and
freely-offered sacrifice.
3. Building the foundation (7-9)
The Lord’s work deserves our best; no matter the cost, time,
or effort.
4. Response to the foundation (10-13)
Our work with the Lord doesn’t always turn out the way we
think it should.
Scripture References: Leviticus 23, Numbers 29, 1 Kings 8, 2 Samuel 24, Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 27, Ezra 4:2, Jeremiah 41, 1 Kings 5, 2 Chronicles 2, Isaiah 60, Psalm 118