When God Comes Calling (Ezra 1)
The first step of faith in a messy life is to answer God’s call by preparing to give and serve.
Pastor Weston Rapozo
March 12,2023

Now Boarding, Group 1 (Ezra 2)
The first group returning to rebuild Israel. Much work needs to be done with a group of people with varies skills and capabilities. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
March 26, 2023 

The Work Begins (Ezra 3)
We should be giving God our whole lives and serving Him to the best of our ability. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
April 2, 2023

Working Through
(Ezra 4)
It is easy to get discouraged doing God’s work, from people, the enemy or your flesh there are many things going against you. We must keep our eyes on Christ and who we are in Him to be able to ignore these discouragements. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
April 16, 2023

Back to Work (Ezra 5)
Being a good witness can simply be sharing what God has done in your life and living a godly life. These two things have a great impact on people even if we don’t notice it. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
April 23, 2023

Completing God’s Work (Ezra 6)
We don’t have to worry if God’s plans will be done. We can have certainty that He is in control and His work will be completed. He gives us the opportunity to be part of His work and we have an affect on when and how His work is done. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
April 30, 2023

A Man After God’s Word (Ezra 7)
God prepares the hearts of His people who are seeking Him, by His word He is equipping them to do His will and build His temple. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
May 7, 2023

Time to Move! (Ezra 8)
God prepared a way for us now we have to trust in Him to strengthen us for the task He has called us to do.
Pastor Weston Rapozo
May 14, 2023

We Messed Up…Again (Ezra 9)
We must recognize are sin and remember that God will have mercy on us no matter how great or recurring the sin is if we fall at His feet and repent. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
May 20, 2023

An Act of Repentance (Ezra 10)
When God calls us to repentance we must willingly give up what sin gave us and turn to Him. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
May 28, 2023

Hearing the Call to Serve
(Nehemiah 1:1-2:5)
As long as we’re willing to do God’s work He will give us everything we need, even when we think we aren’t capable of doing it. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
June 4, 2023

Answering the Call to Serve
(Nehemiah 2:5-20)
When God calls us to serve it’s not always easy but it’s always good.
Pastor Weston
June 11, 2023

The Work of Fortification (Nehemiah 3)
As we strengthen others serving in The Lords Ministry we are also strengthened. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
June 18, 2023

Working Through Opposition
(Nehemiah 4)
Doing the will of God can be difficult and discouraging but focusing on God and not the opposition will get you through. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
June 25. 2023

Money in Ministry (Nehemiah 5)
Money is an important need in the church. As God’s people we should be giving back to God what He has blessed us with. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
July 02, 2023

God’s Strength for Our Vulnerabilities (Nehemiah 6)
We all have vulnerabilities but by God’s strength we can over come them.
Pastor Weston Rapozo
July 9, 2023

The Gathering of Believers (Nehemiah 7-8)
It’s important to have a family of believers. This family will help you grow in your faith and encourage you through hardships. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
July 30, 2023

Worship Confession (Nehemiah 9)
As we recognize our sin and give it to God we realize His Grace and Mercy on us. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
August 6, 2023

Community Rededication (Nehemiah 10)
Rededicating ourselves means turning away from the world and what it has to offer and give our all to God and His people. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo
August 13, 2023

Celebrating What God Renewed
(Nehemiah 11-12)
Receiving God’s Grace and giving back to Him all that you have holding nothing back.
Pastor Weston Rapozo
August 20, 2023 

The Need for Correction (Nehemiah 13)
As God’s Children we are disciplined by God and the Church not because They are angry with us but because They love us and want us to turn from sin so we can be redeemed. 
Pastor Weston Rapozo 
August 27, 2023

Work in Progress:
As we serve The Lord we must have commitment, faith and perseverance.
Pastor Weston Rapozo
September 3, 2023